Chapter 2630: Little Dragon (3)

Translator : MoonWhisperer, gunky, skyrise

After the lightning tribulation, the previous conflicts had once again surfaced and she, Su Luo, had once again become the target of the

Although the Battle G.o.d Puppet was a foodie, eating up a lot of Su Luo’s treasures, it was able to save Su Luo’s life during critical moments time and time again.

There was not much energy left in the Battle G.o.d Puppet, but it was still able to hang on for a bit. So after hearing Su Luo’s words, it carried her on its back, striding and flying in leaps, speeding into a flash of light with every thud, disappearing very quickly.

“Chase!” Fairy Bingqing was the first to react and wanted to go after Su Luo.

However, Lin Xiaofeng swept a cold glance at her.

The speed of the Battle G.o.d Puppet was not one they could match even when they were at their peak, whatmore now that everyone was injured or laying on the ground.

Fairy Bingqing hammered her fist into the ground in anger!

She did not manage to get the Little Dragon G.o.d, the White Tiger Baton had disappeared during the rush, and she herself was… by Chu Xunyang… Why was every incident a bad one?

“I never thought that Su Luo had a few tricks up her sleeve to be actually able to move a Battle G.o.d Puppet. We had truly underestimated her.” Chu Xunyang said angrily.

“Give chase!” The Thorn’s Big Team Lead struggled to stand up and started chasing in the direction in which the Battle G.o.d Puppet had disappeared to.

Lin Xiaofeng thought about it and followed as well. “Let’s give chase too. I have a hunch that the energy in the Battle G.o.d Puppet would not be able to hold on much longer.”

Therefore, people started to move forward in the same direction, like arrows leaving a bow.

The Big Rhino had yet to regain his senses at that moment!

OMG! That lightning was terrifying! The Big Rhino touched his chest and found that his own heart was jumping about loudly. Only then did he realize that he was still alive.

“Little wife, little wife!” The Big Rhino who had finally regained his senses also chased in the direction Su Luo had disappeared to.

At that particular moment, Su Luo was sitting on the shoulder of the Battle G.o.d Puppet.

The Battle G.o.d Puppet strode and moved forward at full speed.

On the other hand, Su Luo’s head was becoming heavier and more and more blurry.

She was afraid that she would fall off the Battle G.o.d Puppet’s body so she rather tied herself up to its neck.

Compared to the huge body of the Battle G.o.d Puppet, Su Luo was just a tiny dot, like a necklace on its neck,

Running all the way.

Ten Miles

A hundred miles.

A thousand miles.

A large mountain.

A large river.

A snowy place.

One day and one night, the Battle G.o.d Puppet seemed to have carried Su Luo to the end of the sky.

Finally, when it had almost exhausted all his energy, it carefully placed Su Luo on the smooth gra.s.sland. Then, it let itself crumble to the ground and fell into a deep slumber.

As for Su Luo, she also fell into a deep unconsciousness.

Only Little Dragon G.o.d remained awake.

One day pa.s.sed by.

The second day pa.s.sed by.

Three days pa.s.sed.

However, Su Luo still did not show any signs of awakening.

She just laid there with her hands neatly folded above her stomach; her face was pale and appeared drained of blood, showing a hint of pain and suffering.

Although she was unconscious, she remained n.o.ble like a princess.

The Little Dragon G.o.d circled around Su Luo.

One round after another.

It circled her until it finally felt discouraged. So it just helplessly laid by Su Luo’s side, putting its head on its two paws, its watery eyes looking at her pitifully.

Those eyes that were cute and adorable were too heartbreaking.

The Little Dragon G.o.d stretched out its little paw and poked at Su Luo.

No response.

Poked again.

Still no response.

The Little Dragon G.o.d pouted its red lips in grievance, not knowing what to do.

So hungry… The Little Dragon G.o.d rubbed its flattened little tummy.

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