Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1966 Invitation from Zhi f.u.xe and Zhu Fuze

Chapter 1966 Invitation from Zhi f.u.xe and Zhu Fuze

As Ye Chen expected, Zhi Fuze was annoyed with what he did, what Ye Chen had done had managed to make Zhi Fuze feel annoyed.

"You can"t say things like that, even so he is one of the people who helped you" Zhi f.u.xe said to her little sister.

"I understand" Zhi Fuze lowered her head, she knew she was wrong about what had happened.

"Big sister, did Tian Mo come after you again?" Zhi Fuze asked Zhi f.u.xe, Zhi Fuze wanted to know if Tian Mo came back after her older sister.

Tian Mo turned out to like Zhi f.u.xe, he had been chasing Zhi f.u.xe for a very long time.

"I don"t care about that person, you are the one who chased him" said Zhi f.u.xe to Zhi Fuze.

Zhi f.u.xe said that she doesn"t care about Tian Mo, Tian Mo is not the type of person she likes.

"why don"t you like him, even though he is one of the strongest people right now, his future will be very bright" said Zhi Fuze to Zhi f.u.xe.

"You are still too young, you will not know about the more mature world" Zhi f.u.xe said to Zhi Fuze, Zhi f.u.xe said that Zhi Fuze was still small and didn"t know many things.

"Big sister, I am not a child anymore, please treat me well." Zhi Fuze complained to Zhi f.u.xe.

"See you"re still acting like a child, so stop doing things like that" Zhi f.u.xe said to Zhi Fuze.

Zhi f.u.xe knows that Zhi Fuze is still young, she is still pursuing what she is attracted to, for example Zhi Fuze is attracted to Tian Mo, most girls are attracted to Tian Mo because his intelligence and strength are too strong, too bad Tian Mo is quite cold with outsiders , if only he wanted to be like Nie Li, then that would make him even more popular.

Tian Mo is cold to everyone, his goals are very clear, he is after the beautiful Zhi f.u.xe, when Tian Mo is aiming for Zhi f.u.xe, he ignores the beautiful women around him.

"Don"t tell me your taste is that guy named Ye Chen?" Zhi Fuze said to Zhi f.u.xe.

Zhi f.u.xe"s ​​face started to turn red when she heard this, she seemed embarra.s.sed to admit what had happened.

"Impossible, older sister you ?, how come ?, he is so ordinary, how can you be attracted to him" Zhi Fuze said to her older sister, how can she be attracted to a man like Ye Chen, it is quite difficult to understand this matter.

"No, we"ve only met once, how can I do that" Zhi f.u.xe said to Zhi Fuze.

Zhi f.u.xe tried to refute what Zhi f.u.xe said, she said that it was the first time she had met Ye Chen.

"It doesn"t look like it" Zhi Fuze saw that this was not like his usual older sister.

Zhi Fuze looked outside, when Zhi Fuze looked outside, he found Ye Che"s figure outside.

"Big sister, that person is outside" Zhi Fuze informed that Ye Chen was outside.

"Where?" Zhi f.u.xe was curious, she looked out the window to find the whereabouts of Ye Chen.

Zhi f.u.xe tried to find the whereabouts of Ye Chen, she couldn"t find Ye Chen"s figure.

"Where, are you trying to lie to me?" said Zhi f.u.xe in a dissatisfied tone.

"It"s over there" Zhi Fuze pointed at Ye Chen, he pointed at Ye Chen who was walking together with people from all over the G.o.d Realm.

"Why is he different from before?" Zhi f.u.xe looked at Ye Chen, she saw that Ye Chen"s appearance was quite different, if Zhi Fuze had not told Zhi f.u.xe, then Zhi f.u.xe might not have realized that it was Ye Chen.

" sister you drew him very differently, if I wasn"t careful, I might not even notice" Zhi Fuze said that Zhi f.u.xe drew Ye Chen very well, in Zhi f.u.xe Ye Chen"s drawing looks very good, it"s obvious different from what he had encountered.

" Not . . ., the appearance is like that, I can"t be wrong in drawing people" said Zhi f.u.xe who was a little confused.

Zhi f.u.xe couldn"t be wrong in drawing someone, she couldn"t go wrong in drawing Ye Chen.

"Let"s meet him, I haven"t thanked him for what happened" Zhi Fuze took Zhi f.u.xe to meet Ye Chen.

" Why?" Zhi f.u.xe refused to leave, she didn"t seem willing to meet Ye Chen.

"Let"s just come along." Zhi Fuze pulled her older sister, she pulled her older sister towards Ye Chen.

Zhi f.u.xe was helpless, she was dragged by Zhi Fuze down from the tavern, the two of them went towards Ye Chen"s direction.

"Ye Chen ! ! !" Zhi Fuze called out to Ye Chen, she called out to Ye Chen who was in the distance.

Ye Chen turned his head, he found out where the voice just now came from.

When Ye Chen turned his head, he saw Zhi Fuze and Zhi f.u.xe who were behind and were waving at him.

"Why are the two of them in this place?" Ye Chen didn"t expect the two of them to be in this place.

Zhi Fuze and Zhi f.u.xe approached Ye Chen, both of them quickly got in front of Ye Chen.

"h.e.l.lo, two beautiful ladies" Ye Chen greeted Zhi Fuze and Zhi f.u.xe.

"I didn"t expect to meet you so soon" Zhi Fuze said to Ye Chen, they met again very quickly.

"I also didn"t expect to see you again, plus it looks like you are with your older sister" Ye Chen said while looking at Zhi f.u.xe.

"Long time no see, I didn"t expect you to take part in the compet.i.tion" Zhi f.u.xe gave a formal greeting.

"Yes, I can"t possibly miss something like this" Ye Chen said that he wouldn"t miss a battle like this.

"That"s great, I hope you get a good result" Zhi f.u.xe wished Ye Chen a good result.

"I got a decent result" Ye Chen told that he got a decent result.

"Even so, I can"t compare to your little sister who earns so much" Ye Chen said as he glanced at Zhi Fuze.

"No, I can"t possibly get that much, it must be your doing" Zhi Fuze said while pointing at Ye Chen.

"What do you mean, I don"t understand?" Ye Chen asked Zhi Fuze, he didn"t understand what Zhi Fuze said.

"Don"t act stupid, I know this is all your doing" Zhi Fuze said while pointing at Ye Chen.

"Do you have any proof that I was the one who did it?" Ye Chen asked Zhi Fuze.

" that . . ." Zhi Fuze couldn"t answer Ye Chen"s words, she really didn"t have that kind of evidence.

Zhi f.u.xe smiled when she saw this, she seemed to know that Ye Chen was hiding something.

Zhi f.u.xe was a very smart woman at all, she was much smarter than Zhi Fuze, it wouldn"t be strange if she could figure out what Ye Chen was trying to hide.

Ye Chen might be able to fool the little girl Zhi Fuze, but Ye Chen wasn"t sure that he could fool Zhi f.u.xe.

Zhi f.u.xe did not speak, it seemed that she would not help Zhi Fuze to speak.

"how about you come with us, what a coincidence we are ordering food" Zhi f.u.xe invited Ye Chen, she sincerely invited Ye Chen to join them together.

Zhi f.u.xe"s ​​invitation seemed sincere, Ye Chen couldn"t refuse Zhi f.u.xe"s ​​sincere invitation.

"Okay" Ye Chen nodded and joined together with Zhi f.u.xe and Zhi Fuze.

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