Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1413: Accidental Soul Fusions

Chapter 1413: Accidental Soul Fusions

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Jasmine Lily quickly healed the lesions and pustules on Little Gra.s.s.

At that moment, the Insect Queen’s spiritual energy caught hold of the Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terfly. The Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terfly thrashed about within Little Gra.s.s’ body.

The eggs it released hatched and produced a large number of Sun Send Mess Worms. These worms were the beacon that the Dark Send Mess b.u.t.terfly had followed.

The Sun Send Mess Worms burst out from Little Gra.s.s’ skin, causing new wounds that were open to infection by the bacteria in his surroundings. But the moment the wounds appeared, the Bud of Mountain Jade healed them.

Even if the Sun Send Mess Worms continuously destroyed his organs, the Bud of Mountain Jade would be able to use Severed Limbs Growth to change his genetic model and enable his organs to regrow rapidly.


During this cycle, the Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terfly would be affected by the Insect Queen’s psychotoxins and slowly become suppressed by its spiritual energy. Eventually, Little Gra.s.s lost consciousness.

When Little Gra.s.s regained his consciousness, Ji Feng implanted a soul seed in him. Otherwise, the soul seed would have been planted in the Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terfly’s soul.

Once the soul seed was utilized, the energy could not be recalled. Hence, Ji Feng could not allow a mistake on his part to jeopardize the entire operation.

Little Gra.s.s started to cry once he regained consciousness, and his soul started to feel the pain of being mutilated and healed over and over. Without the help of the soul seed, Little Gra.s.s would have fallen into a coma.

Little Gra.s.s spotted Little Flower and reached out a trembling hand toward her as though he was drowning, and she was a piece of plywood he could cling to for survival, albeit Little Flower was only a young girl of only 13 years of age.

Little Flower fought against the pain and started to explain the situation to the newly conscious Little Gra.s.s.

The two of them were about to enter the most dangerous point, which was the last-ditch retaliation from the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies.

Little Flower did not have time to fully explain the situation to Little Gra.s.s, but Lin Yuan had already prepared for this.

Lin Yuan said to Genius, “Genius, use Connected Tails.”

Genius swung its tails, and one of them turned into a white and s.h.i.+mmery belt. The belt fell from Genius’ body and formed a link between Little Gra.s.s and Little Flower.

At that moment, Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ memories were connected. When the siblings let out a pained cry, Lin Yuan hurriedly told Genius to stop using Connected Tails.

Although using Connected Tails on the siblings would allow them to encourage each other, it would also cause them to feel each other’s pain.

One person’s pain was difficult enough to handle. But the agony of two people’s pain would be too much for the souls of two children.

Once their souls sustained injuries that were overly serious, even a soul seed planted by a pinnacle emperor-cla.s.s expert like Ji Feng would be useless.

The Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies started to attempt their final a.s.sault against the Insect Queen.

The psychotoxins caused the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies to feel as though death was creeping up on them. They decimated Little Gra.s.s and Little Flower’s bodies with their last vestiges of strength.

The impact was so strong that it put pressure on the Jasmine Lily’s healing. This was because tens of thousands of Dark Sun Send Mess Worms hatched at the same time.

If the Jasmine Lily stopped healing for even a moment, Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s would burst like balloons.

In order to stabilize the situation, Ji Feng planted another soul seed in Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ souls.

As time ticked by, Liu Jie’s expression became more strained, and beads of cold sweat dripped down his face.

The Insect Queen was usually more than capable of suppressing one insect-species carcinoma fey. However, Liu Jie had never tried suppressing two at once.

Although both of these insect-species carcinoma feys came from the same source, they had two sets of spirits and souls. Moreover, one of them had already stolen the spiritual energy of a six-year-old child.

Liu Jie took out numerous sets of fish coats and gave most of them to the Insect Queen. He left two or three for himself and quickly munched down on them. When his body digested the fish coats, his spiritual energy was replenished.

Just as Lin Yuan sensed that the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies were about to breathe their last breaths, they gathered their soul power and crashed into Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ souls.

Lin Yuan thought that the soul power would be an attack on the siblings’ souls, and the soul seeds would heal the damage.

However, Lin Yuan was surprised to see that a portion of the soul power slowly started to fuse with Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ souls.

While the souls were fusing, the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies immediately felt the healing effects of the soul seeds. They stopped damaging Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ bodies.

The Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies destroyed the Dark Sun Send Mess Worms before flying out of Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ bodies.

Due to the Insect Queen’s presence, the Elite quality Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies dared not take flight. They remained perched on the siblings and flapped their wings in apprehension.

This change caused Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, and Ji Feng to be stunned. The three of them formed the same guess.

Could the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies have somehow fused with Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s’ souls and become their feys?

It did not take long for their guess to be confirmed.

When Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s opened their eyes, the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies started to fly around them with an air of affection.

Due to the soul fusions, Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s now felt affection toward the Dark Sun Send Mess b.u.t.terflies, which had just been hurting them.

Lin Yuan dispersed the quicksand that trapped Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s, and the siblings fell to the ground.

The moment Little Flower landed on the ground, she lunged at Little Gra.s.s and wrapped him in a tight embrace.

Little Gra.s.s reached his arms out to her as well.

But the moment her arms enveloped him, he let out a cry of pain. Little Flower immediately removed her accessories made of hemp leaves before giving him another hug.

Little Flower and Little Gra.s.s had just overcome a major trial.

After hugging Little Gra.s.s for three minutes, a thought suddenly struck her. She pulled Little Gra.s.s up with her and said with immense grat.i.tude to Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, and Ji Feng, “Big Brothers, thank you for saving us. Thank you.”

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