Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1566 Fiend Cla.s.s Demon

Chapter 1566 Fiend Cla.s.s Demon

The creature was humanoid, but it was very clearly not human.

It was covered in black fur and scales, alternating like some sort of elaborate armor, though it was very clearly a part of the creature"s body. Its arms were so long that even though it walked completely upright without the slightest slouching of its back, it could easily grab its own thick s.h.i.+ns. In fact, its hands were three times the size they should have been, capable of wrapping around its own thighs as though they were instead its wrists.

Its feet were just as overly large, the claws on it and its hands glistening with a dripping neon green liquid that made the ground sizzle with every drop.

Its head had four black horns coursing with green veins that carried down to its oddly human-looking face. If, that is, you ignored its large tusks that seemed to grow like a fifth and sixth horn.

This was no doubt a Fiend Cla.s.s demon. Just the power of its body alone made the air tremble and quake, thick trees Leonel and Aina would have trouble cutting down with their weapon falling over just from a casual touch of its hip or knee.

Leonel"s expression steeled. He sent a gaze toward Aina and she nodded lightly.

A low shout came from Leonel"s lips, his body exploding forth with a vibrant white-gold light. Three tails appeared to his back and his hair became like a flowing river of white. His pupils dilated and his three Starry Domains manifested all at once.

At the same time, Aina slapped a gourd that hung to her hip. She had learned her lesson and Leonel hadn"t let her leave the Human Cla.s.s Sector without oceans worth of Human Cla.s.s demon blood.

In an instant, their domains seemed to meld into one, their minds connecting via Leonel"s Starry Spirit Domain.

Then, without waiting for the Fiend Cla.s.s demon to approach any closer, they shot forward as one, Leonel"s skin beginning to glow with vibrant Bronze Runes that erupted into a fiery blue glow.


Leonel pierced forward with all his might, Aina swinging down her ax as an eruption of Blood Force poured forward.

The Fiend Cla.s.s demon seemed to suddenly "awaken", its green gaze meeting theirs.

A shudder couldn"t help but run up their spines. There was a complete lack of humanity within those eyes. Leonel had a feeling that if he managed to burn it alive like those Human Cla.s.s demons, it wouldn"t even make a single sound. It would just continue staring at him as its last bits of life slowly waned.


The Fiend Cla.s.s demon"s palms swept upward as though it was flipping a table. Just its sudden explosive action made the wind collapse like a clap of thunder, the air pressure alone making Leonel and Aina feel as though all their forward momentum was about to be halted.

An irresistible force slapped at their weapons, their arms trembling and threatening to shatter into pieces as they were forced stumbling backward.

The Fiend Cla.s.s demon tilted its head. It still seemed half asleep, as though its mind was running as fast as it could trying to understand how it had suddenly ended up in the middle of a battle.

"Support me." Leonel said, his arm still trembling.

His gaze turned frightening cold, a purple aura wafting out from it. It swept out in all directions, gaining a tinge of crimson as it crushed the fear he had been feeling.

An overwhelming confidence stifled the aura of the Fiend Cla.s.s demon"s presence. Leonel held his spear forward, a radiant blue Star appearing to his back.

[Star Fusion].

The wild white-gold and radiant blue flame-like Force fused into one, forming a tempest of wild winds around Leonel.

"A laugh that resounds in the face of death. A smile that s.h.i.+nes in the face of despair. A blade that strikes through the greatest defense."

Leonel"s Spear Force released a howl, wrapping around his spear so densely that it almost took the form of a vibrant violet-gold lance.

At the same moment, Aina"s Blood Force surged, enveloping Leonel and his blade, dancing with one another and intertwining in a delicate balance.

Leonel"s Star Fusion erupted, a blaze of crimson coating it and tainting it into an almost fiery red.

[Star Fusion: Combustion].

Leonel roared, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng as an avalanche of Destruction Runes as he pierced forward.

The land beneath his spear split in two, the skies above it trembling.

To his back, Aina"s lips parted, her chest standing proudly as she released a sonorous call.

The resonant cry seemed to infuse itself into Leonel"s Domains, increasing their strength twofold and then threefold, and then fourfold.

At that moment, the Fiend Cla.s.s demon suddenly awakened from its "slumber", but Leonel"s spear was already right before it.


Leonel"s eyes widened as his spear was stopped. The tip sparked against the chest of the Fiend Cla.s.s demon as though metal was meeting metal. At the same time, the two large hands of the demon clasped down around his spear shaft, trying to stop it in its tracks.frℯe????૦ν?l.c૦m

Leonel"s eyes widened with a flashed, a roar leaving his lips.

His Dream World completely enveloped the Fiend Cla.s.s demon, his mind creating a perfect replica and seeing through its weaknesses in an instant.

His stance s.h.i.+fted slightly and the Fiend Cla.s.s demon seemed to stumble.

The sparks that flew turned to a churning tornado of blood as Leonel took another strong step forward.


Leonel"s muscles bulged and crimson that had fused with his Bronze Runes grew into an even greater fiery red.

His spear tore through the chest of the Fiend Cla.s.s demon, twisting and ripping its flesh like a vicious blender.


A beam of energy shot through its body, exiting out the back and continuing into the distance. All the land that was around it was torn to shreds as though a meteor had landed upon it and skidded along the ground.

Leonel exhaled a heavy breath, his chest heaving as the Fiend Cla.s.s demon fell over slowly, a hole the size of three heads sitting right in the middle of its torso.

"... This is a Lower Fiend Cla.s.s demon…? A Lower Fiend Cla.s.s demon at Tier 1 of the Sixth Star…?"

Leonel could hardly believe it.

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