Chapter 1952

In the dead silence, a burning white brilliance emerged from Qingyu"s body. Every single one of her albi seemed to be glowing, illuminating the entire lair.

The Ultimate Pill G.o.d was still within Yu Ziqian, waiting for the process to complete before he transferred into Qingyu. He was also antic.i.p.ating having a new body, and one belonging to a nonabane totemancer with a lifebound beast was more than ideal. He was filled with antic.i.p.ation, and as his excitement reached a climax, he suddenly got a feeling that the voidheart worm had sunk into a deep abyss. At the same time, the girl suddenly started glowing, and the field her soul was projecting felt like it had come from a higher lifeform. It made his own soul shudder and shriek.

"What?! What the?!" He had thought himself to be at peak intelligence, completely different from the voidheart worm, yet he had the same dumbstruck reaction that it had. All lifeforms could do nothing but gape in awe when experiencing utmost terror. "Impossible!"

Yet that very impossible thing is unfolding before his eyes. He suddenly recalled what Qingyu had said. On some level, he was completely clueless, ignorant of Lifesbane, ancient old G.o.ds" blood, or faith and survival. Existing as a revenant for so long had caused him to lose emotions like love, contorting his very being to the point that he was even willing to send his beloved disciple into the abyss.

He completely broke down as he watched the glowing girl emerge from the black webs of the Void G.o.d. A gigantic peng came to her side, its huge wings spread wide to hold the girl in its embrace. The two symbiotic beings were like a single lifeform in this moment. The sight reminded the Ultimate Pill G.o.d of lotus flowers emerging untainted from the mud.

Qingyu"s body was covered in blood and filth from the Void G.o.d"s fluids, especially her head. The damage she had received had disfigured her already demonic looks even more, and even the pure white light emanating from her didn"t help dilute how horrifying she appeared. However, the Ultimate Pill G.o.d had a feeling that her ugly exterior was merely a sh.e.l.l, or rather a coc.o.o.n.

It was finally time for the b.u.t.terfly to emerge, and n.o.body had expected that the process would start from the huge black boil on her left arm. The b.l.o.o.d.y mess of flesh started s.h.i.+ning a silvery white after being nourished with old G.o.ds" blood. Then a moon-colored vortex formed and stabilized into a smooth, mirror-like surface.

Snow-white patterns spread throughout her entire body from that mirror surface right after her nine devilish totems manifested from their bane-rings, the very same ones that had ripped the voidheart worm in her soul apart. They looked incredibly horrid and were shrouded in a demonic aura of resentment. However, as the patterns swept across Qingyu"s bane-rings, the demonic faces on the bane-rings seemed refreshed. Her original moon bane-rings had been restored, but they looked even s.h.i.+nier than before. They no longer looked like moons, but rather s.h.i.+ning nova source stars!

Tianming remembered seeing countless suns and moons beside the Primordial Terraqua Dragon in a dreamscape. Half were suns and the other half were moons. However, the moons in that vision weren"t stellunar source worlds, but nova source worlds. The only difference was that the light they emanated was silvery white.

Once the bane-rings transformed, everything else changed. The lower bodies of the nine totems were connected to the bane-rings, which spread the snow-white patterns to them. With a single shake, the savage, demonic fiends transformed into pure and n.o.ble lunar G.o.ddesses! They had shed their b.l.o.o.d.y outer sh.e.l.l to reveal the light hidden within the darkness. No totems were more beautiful than these nine lunar G.o.ddesses, whose long hair flowed like waterfalls and skin shone smooth like the lunar surface. The sight of their grand presence was something that defined awe and grace.

Interestingly, the G.o.ddesses all looked unique, but each of them were beautiful in their own different ways, ranging from their different apparent ages and demeanors. Some were more feisty and energetic than others, and they all carried themselves differently. They still numbered nine, like before, but they were completely unlike Qingyu"s previous totems.

Tianming knew that the strength of a totemancer didn"t just come from their number of bane-rings, but rather their type. For instance, his own decapath era G.o.dswords were considered unparalleled. This time around, Qingyu"s totems had seemed to change for the better as well.

"They look beautiful," Shuo Yue blankly praised at the sight of the totems.

"They"ve changed. They"re now called infinite lunar G.o.ddesses," Qingyu"s voice rang from deep within the moonlight.

"What a weird name. What does infinite mean?"

But no one answered Shuo Yue as Qingyu"s own body began transforming. Shuo Yue also started experiencing a tantamount change in its own body. Wherever the white patterns spread, their disfigured parts returned to their original appearance. Qingyu"s facial features, hair, limbs, and skin brightly glowed. Her moon-white hair flowed long and straight and her savage, b.l.o.o.d.y eyes turned pure white like lunar jewels of the night sky.

Originally, she was never the kind of beauty that shocked the world. While her appearance hadn"t changed much from before, her internal countenance was completely altered. She gave off the same grace and aura that her infinite lunar G.o.ddesses did. In fact, she was almost like a living messenger for the G.o.ddesses and looked almost identical to them.

Lastly, it was Shuo Yue"s turn. It had also been ravaged by the old G.o.ds" blood, and it was finally starting to pay off. It turned into a snow-white kunpeng. Its peng form seemed even more sacred and pure than before.

"What’s this?" Shuo Yue asked, looking at Qingyu"s arm. Apart from the nine bane-rings her totems manifested from, there was also a mirror-like marking of similar size.

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